Auto Transport Facts

Auto Transport Facts

It’s always important to verify any auto transport facts you are told by a prospective auto shipping company. Unfortunately, some auto transport companies will not be 100% accurate with all of their claims. Here are some common falsely claimed auto transport facts.

  • Lowest Rates Around
    Make sure that when you’re comparing your car shipping quotes that they’re all accurate. Chances are, if you have one or two that aren’t similar to the others, you’re giving up something. Don’t give up service for the cheapest quote around.
  • Shortest Delivery Times
    Don’t take auto transport facts or agreements at face value, regardless of the friendly nature of your representative. Verbal agreements mean nothing without a written contract. Make sure that you choose a company that provides a contract in writing clearly detailing the terms. Your auto shipper should be able to guarantee your pick-up and delivery dates within a time frame and explain to you exactly what this means.
  • Unrestricted Cancellation Fees
    If, for any reason, after placing your order you choose not to ship your vehicle with the auto transporter, what happens to your deposit? Will there be additional cancellation fees? You should take the time to have this discussion with your auto transport company when reviewing your contract.
  • Fully Insured
    Find out what this means to your auto shipper, and how this affects your vehicle. You idea of being fully insured and transporter’s idea could leave you a little disillusioned in the event damage occurs during your transport.
  • New to the Business
    How much experience in the auto shipping industry would satisfy you? Make sure you’ve chosen a qualified company. As in many industries, you may find that vehicle shipping companies are popping out of the woodwork every day. You may also find that a company with a bad reputation may simply change their name to avoid dealing with unsatisfied customers. You can find out how long a company has been in business by researching their Federal License Number.

Remember, to save money, time and stress, always get the truth behind the auto transport facts a car shipping company claims.